City of Somerville
Somerville, MA
Completed 2018
Winter Hill Schoolyard
Somerville is amongst the densest communities in the Northeast and has little, heavily used open space and few options for expansion. As a result, Winter Hill Community Innovation School was identified as a prime site for a new playing field that could serve both the school sports program and community. In 2015, Warner Larson was commissioned by the City to convert an underutilized asphalt basketball court and parking area into a multi-use, synthetic turf field with sports lighting and reimagine the entire schoolyard. In addition to the U-8 soccer field with sports lighting, the program for the schoolyard included three new playground areas, an outdoor classroom, community garden plots and a new basketball court.
Our design team took advantage of the site’s unique terrace condition and mature trees by introducing a tall “treehouse” climber and a 14-foot high slide for the older children. To maximize usage, the design converts a previously-dangerous asphalt slope into spectator seating for the field, as well as integrating slope play that is safe and accessible. The outdoor classroom presented an opportunity to remove more asphalt from the schoolyard and introduce lush planting areas, new raised bed garden planters, and an outdoor teaching space.
A multi-level outdoor stage preserves the existing mature trees and provides a social hang out as well as spectator seating for adjacent basketball court. The Pre-K area on Medford Street received new play equipment suitable for younger children including manipulator blocks that inspire children to design their own environments and activities.
Treehouse and sidewalk art encourage creative play.
Playful art with community theme welcomes all.
Outdoor classroom lets students learn in natural setting.
The new design includes a U-8 synthetic turf field with sports lighting and spectator seating, exciting new play structures, and an outdoor classroom.
Variety of play structures engage children.